This land of mountains, valleys, hills and canyons is old and wise. Timeless geologic movements remind human awareness to be humble; the big picture is always near. Ancient cycles and maybe even the spirit voices of old ones are held and revealed in the spacious contours of earth and sky. The radiant light of the sun fills the air, scattering brilliantly in every direction. Mountain tops, stunning in their proximity to the stars and the sky spill life waters from hidden springs high in the canyons. These waters join together into small streams flowing downhill into rivers towards the ocean, where the individual streams will be lost in the vast waters of the sea.

When I enter the quietude that is held so deeply here, my awareness shifts from human affairs to underlying life force. I slow down, synchronizing with the breath of the earth. I begin to understand that our lives belong to her in every way. She carries us on our journey from birth to death, as individuals and collectively.

Her message of enduring strength and elemental renewal is both gentle and harsh. Cycles of creation and destruction impose their truth on all life. Human awareness resides in the peaks and valleys of these cycles, small and large, personal and impersonal.

I try to keep my heart open to the personal and impersonal landscapes of the earth and of life, allowing myself to awaken into each little moment, to then surrender my little stream into an unknown ocean. These songs I share on Agave Moon are my expression of these experiences.